“In my parental house I feel unhappy”

When I come home for the holidays, the morning begins with quarrels between my parents. Father is a narcissistic person, he likes it when they admire. He quickly becomes gloomy when he feels that he is indifferent to him. I know these features, and therefore it is difficult for me to do what he wants. Recently he insulted me in the presence of relatives, and now he behaves as if there was nothing. During the holidays, I wanted to do drawing, painting, but my mother all the time asks to help with cleaning. I explained that I needed personal time. She


agrees, but again entrusts things that last all day. I dream to marry a person who will support me. But how can I find him if I only do that I help around the house? I have to wait and endure parents who do not understand me.

Since you write that you come to your parents for the holidays, it means that you live and study in another place, and they only have a temporary place. Why then do you need to meet a young man or draw exactly when you have? You are annoyed by everything that happens at home, but you yourself have chosen the position of the victim.

You are waiting for understanding from your father, although you know that he has a difficult character. I suppose her mother is too tired of conflicts with him and she has no strength to support you. Try to assess the situation at home as an adult. Parents have difficulty communicating with each other, but it is not your problem to solve them. Father’s behavior, his rudeness, the desire to attract attention testify to strong fatigue and dissatisfaction with life. Neither he nor the mother can help you now, and perhaps they interfere with it, without suspecting it themselves. Do not let your parents break into you, but do not expect from them that they are not able to give you.

You are a young girl, you have your own interests and hobbies, do not look for help or approval of your parents. To do what you like, it is not necessary to run away in marriage. No need to think that the path to salvation is a man who will arrange your life and give what you do not receive from your parents. Learn to organize your time.

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